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Errores comunes en inglés. Letras N-O-P-Q-R.


Errores comunes en inglés

Fuente: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/

- N -
* nauseated/nauseous * neice * Nevada * next store * nieve * no sooner when * nonplussed * noone * not all that * not hardly * notorious * nuclear * number of verb * numbers * nuptual

- O -

* of * of ___’s * offense * often * OK * old fashion * old-timer’s disease * on accident * once and a while * one of the (singular) * one-dimensional * one in the same * one of the only * only * onto/on to * oppress/repress * orders of magnitude * ordinance/ordnance * Oregon * organic * oriental * orientate * ostensively * over-exaggerated * oversee/overlook

- P -
* pair (number) * palate/palette/pallet * parallel * parallelled/paralleled * parallelism in a series * paralyzation * parameters/perimeters * parentheses * parliment * passed/past * past time * passive voice * pawn off/palm off * peace/piece * peak/peek/pique * peasant/pheasant * penultimate/next to last * peoples * per * percent decrease * pernickety/persnickety * perogative/prerogative * perse * persecute/prosecute * personal/personnel * personality * perspective/prospective * peruse * phenomena/phenomenon * Philippines/Filipinos * physical * picaresque/picturesque * picture * PIN number * playwrite * plead innocent * please RSVP * plug-in * podium/lectern * pole/poll * point being is that * point in time * pompom/pompon * populace/populous * pore/pour * possessed of, by, with * practice/practise * practicle * pray/prey * precede/proceed * precedence/precedents * precipitate/precipitous * predominant/predominate * predominately * preemptory * preferably * prejudice/prejudiced * premier/premiere * premise/premises * prepone * prepositions (repeated) * prepositions (wrong) * prescribe/proscribe * presently * pretty * primer * principal/principle * prioritize * priority * proactive * probably * prone * pronounciation * prophecy/prophesy * prostate/prostrate * protray * proved/proven * purposely/purposefully

- Q -
* Q/G * quantum leap * queue * quiet/quite * quote * quotation marks

- R -
* racism * rack/wrack * ran/run * rapport * ratio * rationale/rationalization * ravaging/ravishing/ravenous * recreate * reactionary/reactive * real/really * realtor * reason because * rebelling/revolting * rebut/refute * recent/resent * redundancies * reeking havoc * regard/regards * regretfully/regrettably * reign/rein * religion * religion believes * reluctant/reticent * remuneration/renumeration * reoccurring * repel/repulse * resister/resistor * retch/wretch * reticent/hesitant * return back * revelant * revue/review * right of passage * Rio Grande River * risky/risqué * road to hoe * rob/steal * role/roll * root/rout/route

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