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<<Volver | Principal >> Inglés

Errores comunes en inglés. Letras A-B-C.


Errores comunes en inglés

Fuente: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/

- A -
* AM/PM * abject * about * absorbtion * accede/exceed * accent marks * access * accessory * accept/except * accidently * acronyms and apostrophes * acrossed * actual fact/actually * ad/add * adapt/adopt * administer/minister * adultry * advance/advanced * adverse/averse * advice/advise * adviser/advisor * affect/effect * affluence/effluence * agreeance/agreement * ahold/hold * ain’t * all * all goes well/augurs well * alliterate/illiterate * alls * allude/elude * allude/refer * allusion/illusion * almost * alot * already/all ready * alright * altar/alter * alterior * alternate/alternative * altogether/ all together * alumnus/alumni * amature * ambiguous/ambivalent * ambivalent/indifferent * American * amongst/among * amoral/immoral * amount/number * an historic * and also * anecdote/antidote * angel/angle * anxious/eager * any more * anytime * anyways * apart/a part * apostrophes * as far as * as follow * as per * aspect/respect * appraise/apprise * apropos/appropriate * artic * as time progressed * assure/ensure/insure * asterick * as of yet * ATM machine * athlete * athiest * aural/oral * auger/augur * avocation/vocation * awhile/a while * ax * axel/axle

- B -

* backslash/slash * backward/backwards * barb wire, bob wire * bare/bear * basicly * bazaar/bizarre * beaurocracy * begs the question * behaviors * bemuse * beside/besides * better * between * between you and I * beyond the pail * bias/biased * bible * biweekly/semiweekly * blatant * bonafied * born out of * borrow/loan * both/each * boughten * bourgeois * bouyant * brand names * brang, brung * breath/breathe * bring/take * build off of * bumrush * butt naked * by/’bye/buy

- C -

* cache/cachet * call the question * callous/callused * calm, cool, and collective * Calvary/cavalry * cannot/can not * canon/cannon * capital/capitol * caramel/carmel * carat/caret/carrot/karat * caring * Catch 22 * CD-ROM disk * ceasar * celibate/chaste * celtic * cement/concrete * center around * cents * chai tea * chaise longue * chemicals * Chicano/Latino/Hispanic * chuck/chunk * Church * cite/site/sight * cleanup/clean up * cliché/clichéd * click/clique * close/clothes * close proximity * coarse/course * collaborate/corroborate * Colombia/Columbia * colons/semicolons * commas * compare and contrast * compare to/compare with * complement/compliment * complementary/complimentary * comprised of * concensus * concerted effort * conflicted/conflicting feelings * confusionism * congradulations * continual/continuous * contrasts/contrasts with * conversate * core/corps/corpse * could care less * could of/should of/would of * council/counsel/consul * couple/couple of * credible/credulous * crescendo/climax * criteria/criterion * criticism * critique/criticize * crucifiction * currant/current * cut and dry * cut and paste/copy and paste

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