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Errores comunes en inglés. Letras D-E-F.


Errores comunes en inglés

Fuente: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/

- D -
damped/dampened * data * decimate * deep-seeded * definate * defuse/diffuse * degrade/denigrate/downgrade * deja vu * democrat/democratic * depends * depreciate/deprecate * desert/dessert * device/devise * dialogue/discuss * dieties * differ/vary * different than * dilemma/difficulty * dire straights * disburse/disperse * disc/disk * discreet/discrete * discussed/disgust * disinterested/uninterested * disrespect * doctorial/doctoral * dolly/handcart * dominate/dominant * done/did * double negatives * doubt that/doubt whether/doubt if * doubtlessly/doubtless * dove/dived * downfall/drawback * drank/drunk * drastic/dramatic * drier/dryer * dribble/drivel * drive/disk * drug/dragged * dual/duel * duck tape * due to the fact that * dyeing/dying

- E -

* e.g./i.e. * each * earth, moon * ecology/environment * ecstatic * ect. * -ed/-t * -ed/-ing * ei/ie * either * either are/either is * eighteen hundreds/nineteenth century * electrocute * elicit/illicit * ellipses * embaress * emergent/emergency * emigrate/immigrate * eminent/imminent/immanent * empathy/sympathy * emphasize on * end result * enormity/enormousness * enquire/inquire * ensure/insure * enthuse * envelop/envelope * envious/jealous * enviroment * epigram/epigraph/epitaph/epithet * epitomy * ethnic * every * everyday * everytime * evidence to * exact same * exalt/exult * excape/escape * exceptional/exceptionable * exhileration * exponential * expresso * expresses that/says that

- F -

* factoid * fair/fare * farther/further * fastly * fatal/fateful * faze/phase * fearful/fearsome * febuary * 50’s * finalize * firey * first annual * fiscal/physical * fit the bill * flammable/inflammable * flaunt/flout * flesh out/flush out * floppy disk/hard disk * flounder/founder * foot/feet * footnotes/endnotes * for/fore/four * for all intensive purposes * for free * for one/for one thing * for sale/on sale * forbidding/foreboding/formidable * forceful/forcible/forced * forego/forgo * foresee/forsee * formally/formerly * forward * fortuitous/fortunate * foul/fowl * Frankenstein * frankly * French dip with au jus * from . . . to * from the beginning of time * fulsome * -fuls/-ful

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