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Errores comunes en inglés. Letras S-T-U-V-W-X-Y. Gramática.
- S - sacred/scared * sacreligious * safety deposit box * sail/sale/sell * salsa sauce * same difference * sarcastic/ironic * satellite * say/tell * schizophrenic * sci-fi * sea change * seam/seem * second of all * seen/saw * select/selected * self-worth * sense/since * sensual/sensuous * sentence fragments * service/serve * set/sit * setup/set up * shall/will * sherbert * Sierra Nevada Mountains * silicon/silicone * simplistic * single quotes * slight of hand * sluff off * snuck * so/very * so fun * social/societal * sojourn/journey * sometime/some time * somewhat of a * sooner * soup du jour of the day * sour grapes * spaded/spayed * stalactites/stalagmites * stationary/stationery * stereo * stomp * straightjacket * straight-laced * substance-free * substitute with * suffer with * suit/suite * summary/summery * supercede * supposably, supposingly * suppose to * surfing the Internet - T - * take a different tact * taken back/taken aback * taught/taut * taunt/taut/tout * tenant/tenet * tender hooks * tentative * than/then * that/which * that kind * theirselves * them * they’re/their/there * therefor/therefore * there’s * these are them * these kind * these ones * they/their (singular) * think on * though/thought/through * throne/thrown * thusly * time period * times smaller * to/too/two * to home * today’s modern society * tolled/told * tongue and cheek * toward/towards * track home * tradegy * troop/troupe * try and - U - * UFO * unconscience * University of Indiana * unrest * upmost * use to - V - * vague reference * various * vary/very * veil of tears * verb tense * verbage * verses/versus * very unique * vicious/viscous circle/cycle * video * vinegarette * viola/voila * vitae * volumptuous - W - * warrantee/warranty * wary/weary/leery * wash * way * ways * weather/wether/whether * weather forecast calls for * Wensday * went/gone * were/where * wet your appetite * what * wheat * whereabouts are * where it’s at * whether/whether or not * whilst/while * whim and a prayer * whimp * whisky/whiskey * who/whom * who’s/whose * a whole ’nother * -wise * woman/women * World Wide Web * worse comes to worse * wreckless * writting - X - * Xmas/Christmas - Y - * ya’ll * ye * yea/yeah/yay * yoke/yolk * your/you * your/you’re * you’ve got another thing coming *
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