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Errores comunes en inglés. Letras G-H-I-J-K-L-M.


Errores comunes en inglés

Fuente: http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/

- G -
* gaff/gaffe * gamut/gauntlet * gaurd * gender * Ghandi * gibe/jibe/jive * gig/jig * gild/guild * god * goes * gone/went * good/well * got/gotten * government * graduate * grammer * gratis/gratuitous * greatful * grevious * grisly/grizzly * group (singular vs. plural) * ground zero * grow * gyp * had ought * hairbrained * hangar/hanger * hanged/hung * hanging indents * hardly * hardly never * hardy/hearty * HIV virus * he don’t * heading/bound * hear/here * hearing-impaired * heighth * help the problem * hero/protagonist * heroin/heroine * highly looked upon/highly regarded * him, her/he, she * hippie/hippy * hisself * historic/historical * an historic * hoi polloi * hold your peace/say your piece * holocaust * homophobic * home page * hone in * hors d’oeuvres * hyphenation * hyphens & dashes * hypocritical * hysterical/hilarious

- H -
* had ought * hairbrained * hangar/hanger * hanged/hung * hanging indents * hardly * hardly never * hardy/hearty * HIV virus * he don’t * heading/bound * hear/here * hearing-impaired * heighth * help the problem * hero/protagonist * heroin/heroine * highly looked upon/highly regarded * him, her/he, she * hippie/hippy * hisself * historic/historical * an historic * hoi polloi * hold your peace/say your piece * holocaust * homophobic * home page * hone in * hors d’oeuvres * hyphenation * hyphens & dashes * hypocritical * hysterical/hilarious

- I -

* I me myself * -ic * idea/ideal * if/whether * if I was/if I were * ignorant * immaculate conception/virgin birth * impact * impertinent/irrelevant * imply/infer * in regards to * in the fact that * incent, incentivize * incredible * incidences/incidents/instances * indepth * Indian/Native American * individual * infact * infamous/notorious * infinite * inflammable * input * install/instill * instances/instants * intense/intensive * intensifiers * interment/internment * Internet/intranet * interface * interpretate * into/in to * intrigue * ironically * irregardless * is, is * islams * Isreal * issues * itch/scratch * it’s/its

- J -
* jerry-built/jury-rigged * Jew/Jewish * jewelry * John Henry * judgement

- K -
* kick-start * koala bear

- L -
* laissez-faire * large * late/former * later/latter * laundry mat * lay/lie * leach/leech * lead/led * leave/let * legend/myth * lense * less/fewer * liable, libel * libary * light-year * lighted/lit * like * like/as if * like for * likker * listserv * “lite” spelling * literally * lived * loose/lose * lustful/lusty

- M -
* mantle/mantel * marital/martial * marshall * marshmellow * mass * masseuse/masseur * mauve * may/might * maybe/may be * medal/metal/meddle/mettle * media * Medieval Ages * mediocre * medium/median * memorium * mic * might could * mischievious * misnomer * moral/morale * more importantly * moreso * most always * motion/move * Mount Fujiyama * much differently * muchly * music/singing * mute point * myriad of * myself

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