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1700 verbos más frecuentes en francés con traducción al inglés y español
Vocabulario básico en francés. Verbos con traducción


1700 verbos más frecuentes en francés con traducción al inglés y español
1700 most common French verbs translated into Spanish and English

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saillir sobresalir to jut out
saisir agarrar, tomar, agarrar to seize
saler salar to salt
salir ensuciar, manchar to soil
sanctionner sancionar to sanction
saouler, soûler emborrachar, embriagar to make/get sb drunk
se saouler, se soûler emborracharse, embriagarse to get drunk
saluer saludar to greet
satisfaire satisfacer to satisfy
sauter saltar to jump
sauver salvar, escaparse, irse to save, to rescue
savoir saber to know
savonner enjabonar to soap, to wash
savonner (2) reñir to tell off, to scold
savourer saborear to savour, to savor
se brouiller pelearse to quarrel / fall out (with)
scandaliser escandalizar to escandalize
scier serrar to saw
scintiller brillar, centellear, titilar to sparkle, to twinkle
sculpter esculpir to sculpt
sécher, se sécher secar, secarse to dry
secouer sacudir to shake
secourir rescatar, socorrer to help
séduire seducir to seduce
séjourner residir, vivir, habitar, permanecer, instalarse to sojourn
selectionner seleccionar to choose, to select
sembler parecer, parecerse to seem
semer sembrar to sow
sentir sentir, oler, percibir to feel, to smell
séparer separar to separate
séquestrer secuestrar to kidnap
serrer apretar, presionar, sujetar, asegurar to grasp, to squeeze
servir servir to serve
siffler silbar to whistle
signaler señalar, comunicar to signal
signer firmar, suscribir, caracterizar to sign, to approve
se signer santiguarse to cross yourself
signifier significar to mean
simplifier simplificar to simplify
simuler simular to simulate
situer situar to situate
skier esquiar to ski
soigner curar, aliviar, sanar to treat, to take care of
solder rebajar, vender en rebajas to sell off, to put on sale
solder (2) saldar deudas to clear
solidifier solidificar to solidify
solliciter solicitar to ask, to request
sombrer zozobrar, naufragar, hundirse to sink
songer pensar, imaginar, preguntarse to dream
sonner sonar, llamar, tocar el timbre to ring
sortir salir to go out
souffler soplar (viento); respirar, resoplar to blow, to pant
souffrir sufrir to suffer
souhaiter desear, querer to wish
souiller ensuciar, manchar to soil
soulager aliviar to ease, to relieve
soulever levantar, izar, alzar to lift, to raise
sombrer zozobrar, naufragar to go down, to sink
souligner subrayar, remarcar, enfatizar to underline, to hightlight
soumettre someter, dominar, sujetar to submit
se soumettre consentir to agree, to consent
soupçonner sospechar to suspect
sourire sonreír to smile
souscrire suscribir to subscribe
soutenir sostener, apoyar to support
se souvenir acordarse de to remember
spécialiser especializar to specialize
spécifier especificar to specify
spéculer especular (finanzas) to speculate
stabiliser estabilizar to stabilize, to balance
stéreliser esterilizar to sterilize
subir sufrir to undergo
subvenir satisfacer to provide for
subventionner subvencionar to subsidize
succomber sucumbir to succumb
sucer chupar to suck
sucrer azucarar to sugar
suer sudar to sweat
suffire bastar, ser suficiente to suffice
suffoquer ahogar, asfixiar to suffocate
suggérer sugerir to suggest
stimuler estimular to stimulate
stresser estresar to stress
se stresser estresarse to stress out
suivre seguir, acompañar to follow
supplier suplicar to beg
supporter soportar to support, to endure
supposer suponer, presumir to suppose
supprimer suprimir to suppress
surmonter superar to overcome
surpasser sobrepasar to surpass
surprendre sorprender to surprise
surveiller vigilar, supervisar to survey, to monitor,
to supervise
survenir sobrevenir, suceder, ocurrir, producirse to occur
survivre sobrevivir to survive
survoler sobrevolar to fly over
survoler (2) ojear, leer superficialmente to skim / to flip through
susciter suscitar to arouse, to provoke
susurrer susurrar to whisper
synchroniser sincronizar to synchronize
synthéthiser sintetizar to synthetize

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