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Escucha las palabras en inglés (americano):
abeja |
bee |
aparearse, emparejarse, acoplarse |
to mate |
águila |
eagle |
aire |
air |
burro |
donkey, ass |
animal |
animal |
domesticar |
to tame |
araña |
spider |
árbol |
tree |
arco en iris |
rainbow |
atmósfera |
atmosphere |
avalancha |
avalanche |
chaparrón |
shower |
bahía |
bay |
bosque |
wood(s) |
rama |
branch |
brillar |
to shine |
brisa |
breeze |
niebla |
fog, mist |
llovizna |
drizzle |
quemar |
to burn |
matorral |
bush |
cucaracha |
cockroach |
gato |
cat |
murciélago |
bat |
caballo |
horse |
perro |
dog |
cascada |
waterfall |
cielo |
sky |
clima |
climate |
cerdo |
pig |
colina |
hill |
ventisquero, montón de nieve |
snowdrift |
constelación |
constellation |
continente |
continent |
costa |
shore |
fluir |
to flow |
cubierto (cielo) |
overcast, cloudy |
cocodrilo |
crocodile |
desierto |
desert |
agua |
water |
claro (entre nubes) |
bright interval, sunny spell |
elefante |
elephant |
espina |
thorn |
erosionar |
to eroder |
caracol |
snail |
espacio |
space |
estanque |
pond |
estrella |
star |
hace calor |
it's hot / warm |
hace neblina |
it's foggy |
hace sol |
it's sunny |
hace viento |
it's windy |
hace frío |
it's cold |
fértil |
fertile |
fuego |
fire |
hoja |
leaf |
flor |
flower |
| to flower, to blossom |
bosque, selva |
forest |
relámpago |
lightning |
hormiga |
ant |