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Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay)
Ali, Muhammad (boxer) (1942- ), American boxer, one of the greatest fighters in the history of the sport.

I Introduction

Colorful(pintoresco, subido de tono en el lenguaje, colorido), talented, and sometimes controversial, Ali entertained(entretuvo) fans and intimidated opponents. His boxing style involved graceful footwork(grácil, elegante juego de pies) and powerful(poderosos) jabs(golpes directos). He also became famous for bragging(fanfarronear) about himself, often in his own verse. Ali once(una vez) described his skills by saying that he could “float(flotar) like a butterfly(mariposa), sting(picar) like a bee(abeja).” In 1978 he became the first boxer to win the world heavyweight championship title three different times.

II “The Greatest”

Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky. His birth name was Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., named after(nombrado así por (otra persona)) famed Kentucky abolitionist Cassius Marcellus Clay. Clay began boxing at the age of 12, after his bicycle was stolen and a police officer suggested that he learn how to box. By age 18 Clay had amassed(acumulado) an amateur record of 100 wins in 108 fights. This included six Kentucky Golden Gloves titles, the 1959 International Golden Gloves heavyweight title, and a gold medal as the light heavyweight(peso pesado) champion at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, Italy.()

After returning from the Olympics, Clay turned professional(se convirtió en profesional). He fought his first professional bout(combate) on October 29, 1960, and defeated(derrotó a) Tunney Hunsaker. As Clay continued to win over the next few years, he became more vocal about his successes(hablaba, fanfarroneaba sobre sus éxitos), and he was given the nicknames Louisville Lip(labio, insolencia) and Mighty Mouth(voz potente, poderosa).

By 1964 Clay had recorded 19 professional wins and had earned a chance to challenge(desafiar) heavyweight champion Sonny Liston. At 22 years old, Clay was considered a serious underdog(perdedor, desvalido). Nonetheless(no obstante), he predicted that he would knock Liston out in the eighth round. Clay needed even less time to make good on his claim(reivindicación, demanda). His jab-and-dance technique(técnica de baile y golpe directo) tired(cansó) Liston, who failed(fracasó) to come out(salir) of his corner at the start of the seventh round. Clay was crowned(coronado) the new world heavyweight champion and proclaimed(proclamado) himself The Greatest(el más grande).

In 1964 Clay converted(se convirtió) to Islam, joined the Nation of Islam (see Black Muslims), and assumed the name Muhammad Ali. In 1965 he defended his title in a rematch(combate de revancha) against Liston, a bout that lasted only 2 minutes 12 seconds. During the first round Ali caught Liston with a hard blow(duro golpe), so quick that it was dubbed(apodado) the “phantom punch(puñetazo fantasma)” because few fans saw it. Liston fell, and although he regained his feet(recuperó levantándose sobre sus pies) before the count was finished, the referee ended the fight in Ali’s favor. Six months later Ali successfully defended his title against former(anterior) champion Floyd Patterson. Ali retained his title with victories in five more bouts before 1967.

III The Controversial Champion 

In 1967, in the middle of the Vietnam War, Ali refused to be inducted(reclutado) into the United States Army on the grounds that(por motivo de que) he was a black Muslim minister and therefore(por lo tanto) a conscientious objector(objetor de conciencia). He had thrust himself(se había metido) into the middle of a period of volatility(inestabilidad) in American society. Ali was an outspoken(franco, abierto) African American at a time when the country’s commitment(obligación, compromiso) to civil rights was being widely questioned. He was also one of the most prominent(preponderante)conscientious objectors against the war, which was attracting more and more protest. Ali was convicted of draft evasion(condenar por evadirse del servicio militar), and his popularity plummeted(cayó en picado). Early in 1967 he was stripped(desposeído) of his heavyweight title and the title was declared vacant(libre). When he was subsequently banned(prohibido) from fighting in the United States, Ali filed a number of court appeals(entabló numerosas apariciones en el juzgado).

Ali was allowed(permitido) to return to the ring in late(finales) 1970, but in his absence Joe Frazier had taken the world heavyweight title. After three years without a championship fight against a serious competitor, Ali entered the ring in March 1971 for a highly promoted(altamente promovido) bout with Frazier. Because both Ali and Frazier carried undefeated records(tenían records de imbatibilidad), the bout was billed(anunciada) as “The Fight of the Century.” Ali lost the 15-round battle, and Frazier retained his title. Later that year the Supreme Court of the United States overturned(anuló) Ali's draft evasion conviction.
Fuente: http://www.encyclopedia.com

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