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69 BC-30 BC, queen of Egypt, one of the great romantic heroines of all time

Cleopatra, ill-fated(desafortunada) queen of Egypt (51-30 bc), celebrated for her love affairs(asuntos amorosos) with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Cleopatra, or more precisely, Cleopatra VII, was the daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, king of Egypt. On her father's death(a la muerte de su padre) in 51 bc Cleopatra, then 17 or 18 years old, and her brother, Ptolemy XIII, a child of about 12 years, succeeded(sucedió) jointly(conjuntamente) to the throne of Egypt with the provision that(con la condición de que) they should marry. In the third year of their reign(reinado) Ptolemy, encouraged(animado, estimulado) by his advisers(consejeros), assumed sole(único) control of the government and drove Cleopatra into exile(llevó a Cleopatra al exilio). She promptly(inmediatamente) gathered(reunió) an army in Syria but was unable to assert her claim(imponer su reivindicación) until the arrival at Alexandria of Julius Caesar, who became her lover and espoused(adoptó, se adhirió a) her cause. He was for a time hard pressed(fuertemente presionado) by the Egyptians but ultimately(finalmente) triumphed, and in 47 bc Ptolemy XIII was killed. Caesar proclaimed Cleopatra queen of Egypt.

Cleopatra was then forced by custom(por tradición) to marry her younger brother, Ptolemy XIV, then about 11 years old. After settling(establecer) their joint government on a secure basis, Cleopatra went to Rome, where she lived as Caesar's mistress(amante). She gave birth(dio a luz) to a son, Caesarion, later Ptolemy XV; it is believed that Caesar was his father. After Caesar's assassination in 44 bc, Cleopatra is said to have poisoned Ptolemy XIV. She then returned to Egypt and made Caesarion her coregent(coregente). Because Cleopatra hesitated(dudaba) to take sides(tomar partido) in the civil war following Caesar's death, Mark Antony summoned(convocó) her to meet him to explain her conduct. He fell in love with her and returned with her to Egypt. After living with her for some time, Antony was compelled(forzado) to return to Rome, where he married Octavia, a sister of Caesar's heir(hermana del heredero de César) Octavian, later Roman emperor as Augustus. After Antony's departure Cleopatra bore him twins(le dio gemelos). In 36 bc Antony went to the East as commander(comandante) of an expedition against the Parthians. He sent for(mandó llamar a) Cleopatra, who joined him at Antioch. They were married, and a third child was born. In 34 bc(before Christ=antes de Cristo), after a successful(exitosa) campaign against the Parthians, he celebrated his triumph at Alexandria. He continued to reside in Egypt. In 32 bc, when Octavian declared war against Cleopatra and Antony, Antony divorced Octavia.

Cleopatra insisted on taking part in the campaign. At the naval engagement(batalla) at Actium in 31 bc, believing Antony's defeat to be inevitable(creyendo que la derrota de Antonio sería inevitable), she withdrew her fleet from action(retiró a su tropa), and she and Antony fled(huyeron) to Alexandria. On the approach of Octavian, Antony, deceived(engañado) by a false report(informe) of the death of the queen, committed suicide(se suicidó). Hearing that Octavian intended to exhibit her in his triumph at Rome, Cleopatra killed herself, probably by poison, or, according to an old tradition, by the bite of an asp(picadura de un áspide). Caesarion, the last member of the Ptolemy dynasty, was put to death(muerto) by Octavian, and Egypt subsequently became a Roman province.

Cleopatra's life has formed the basis fo(sentó las bases para)r many literary works(obras), the most notable(las más destacadas) of which are the plays(obras de teatro) Antony and Cleopatra by Shakespeare, All for Love by the English dramatist John Dryden, and Caesar and Cleopatra by the British playwright(dramaturgo) George Bernard Shaw.
Fuente: http://encarta.msn.com

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